Category Archives: Living Writers

Living Writers with guest host The Liz

Living Writers featured Keith Taylor this week, and I kept T Hetzel’s interviewing chair warm while she’s down in Florida.

On the show, we talk about Keith’s book of poems called Marginalia for a Natural History (containing poems dedicated to many professors teaching courses at the University of Michigan Biological Station), the poetic inspiration of nature up at the Biostation, and ghost stories set in Michigan. Keith is a writer, so he’s a natural raconteur; he’s also passionate about science and nature, which is evident in his enthusiasm.

(1 hour)
Right-click or Command+click to download

I’ll take credit for the audio quality, which will be better next time; Keith gets the credit for everything you love about the conversation!

Keith chose the musicians played during the breaks, while I chose the songs by those artists (except for “Rite of spring”–Keith specifically requested that track):
1. Neil Young, “Down by the river”
2. Stravinsky, “Rite of spring”
3. Joni Mitchell, “All I want”
4. k.d. lang, “Smoke dreams”
5. Leonard Cohen, “Bird on a wire”

February 15: Living Writers

I was thrilled to engineer the pre-recorded interview for an episode of Living Writers today. Living Writers is an enthralling and edifying show that features interviews with writers like Richard Price, Louis Sachar, Lorrie Moore, nobel-winning poets, non-fiction writers, screen writers, and more. The show’s host, T. Hetzel, teaches English courses at the University of Michigan; her ability to draw interesting conversation from her guests amazes me.

So. Today, Sara Marcus came to the studio to talk about her recently published book, Girls to the Front: The True Story of the RIOT GRRRL Revolution. mmm. Feminism and girls who rock. You can listen to the Living Writers episode here.

(55 minutes)
Right-click or Command+click to download

Be sure to stay tuned–I engineered another interview with poet Carl Phillips, in which I had to bleep out a cuss word with the laughter of children. I think each recorded interview will come out a little more smoothly…

Find more Living Writers at the posted archives here. You can also find the podcast on iTunes.

Read more about Girls to the Front at